ShenZhen AnDa Intelligence technology co.,LTD is the science and technology intensive enterprises that gather research and development、production and sales. The company devotes to the security, which gather a group of high-tech talents、marketing and management talents. The company technical strength is abundant, which concentrate experience for many years and provide whole security series of products at the same time. It can provide projects for more customers and partners and provide project information, OEM cooperation and perfect after

?Address:ShenZhen baoan district longhua queshan road 18 the building on the fourth floor
Fax:0755-28072952 Address of sales countor: ShenZhen FuTian district Huaqiang North Taipinyang security market 1B506-507
Tel:0755-83977035 13312933292 Linkman:Miss chen Copyright ShenZhen AnDa Intelligence technology co.,LTD
Fax:0755-28072952 Address of sales countor: ShenZhen FuTian district Huaqiang North Taipinyang security market 1B506-507
Tel:0755-83977035 13312933292 Linkman:Miss chen Copyright ShenZhen AnDa Intelligence technology co.,LTD